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MY Services

I am a coach and trainer at all levels. My main goal is to help YOU, THE ATHLETE, recognize your goals and reach them. Whether it is physical or mental prep, I'm here for YOU!

Mental Skills Coaching

Virtually or in person, we will go over your athletic identity, goals, confidence, how to focus, visualization and more. 

This is also open to coaches or parents who want help communicating and building with their kids' sports lives.


All of the other services can be provided for teams or large groups. We will work together to discuss the goals of the group and foster a good enviornment for learning on and/or off the field/court.

Total Athlete Plan

In person or virtual training, developed specifically for you based on your goals. We address the physical AND mental side together.

Injury Reserve

Weekly Group Sessions for Injured Athletes to join together and build a supportive community through a very rough time. Launching soon...! Subscription based.

What MY Clients Say

Mental Skills Client

 Before meeting you, I had little to no confidence in myself and was unsure if I had it in me to step back out onto the lacrosse field. You allowed me to push myself in many different ways and after talking with you for a few months, I have regained my confidence and have been able to recognize my own progress both on and off the field.

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